Did you know that -
Twin Cities Meals on Wheels has been serving the Twin Cities since 1973, AND we are a volunteer organization.
When Twin Cities Meals on Wheels was formed, the people receiving meals were 65-70 years old. Today the people delivering the meals are 65-70 years old.
As with most of the local Meals on Wheels groups in the area, we are NOT affiliated with the larger Western New York group, AND we receive NO government subsidies.
Our hot and nutritious meals are prepared locally and generally delivered with 10-15 minutes of being ready... NOT at some large central location from where they have to be taken to be distributed. This happens because we are local and our volunteers are your friends and neighbors.
We are ALWAYS looking for more volunteers and clients.
Please know that the corporate senior care companies, along with the large Western New York group, are eroding our client base.
Please consider and remember us when you know of a family member or friend that could use our services. Also if you have a couple of hours mid-morning (M-F), we are always looking for volunteers.
We can be reached at (716) 693-1663 for both volunteering and signing up for meals service. And Remember...